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The Student Team for the Collaboration of Public Health and Nutrition Study Program FIK-UMS Participates in the KMI Expo in Bogor in 2018

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The Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship Expo (KMI) is an activity that aims to showcase student entrepreneurship activities in Indonesia. In 2018, the KMI Expo was held at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Bogor, West Java, from 09-11 November 2018. The University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, which is one of the universities in Surakarta, sent 2 teams that passed to take part in this year’s KMI expo.

One of the teams from UMS is a collaboration of two study programs, namely the Public Health and Nutrition study program. The team is chaired by Anisa Nurarifah (Nutrition) and consists of Sany Maulidayati (public health), Ananda Pradita V (health), Ulya Khoirunisa ‘Atin (public health). The product offered in the expo is kukupisang (a healthy and environmentally friendly snack)”. snack made from banana peel flour. In his presentation before the jury that banana peels were obtained from traders who sold processed foods made from bananas, so the banana peels could be used. In addition, this team has collaborated with home industries that process banana peels.

Apart from the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, there are 122 other booths from universities throughout Indonesia. The types of businesses displayed consist of the food and beverage industry, the service and trade industry, the creative industry, the technology industry, and the production or cultivation industry.

In addition to participating in the exhibition at the stand, one of the representatives from each university must participate in a competition called the KMI Award. The KMI Awards are divided into several industry categories. The representative made a presentation to the jury and then continued with a question and answer session. The representative chosen to participate in the KMI Award from the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta for the banana cake business was Ulya Khoirunisa ‘Atin.


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