Student Management Skills Training-Pre-Basic (LKMM-PD) and Basic Training of Public Health (BTOPH) are new student orientation activities held for four days on weekends in the first and second weeks of October 2023. LKMM-PD and BTOPH 2023 carry theme “Call for Public Health, Form Us, By Us, and For Us”. As the name suggests, this activity aims to introduce the lecture life of the Public Health Study Program broadly, starting from the curriculum, courses, learning methods, educational staff, reasoning and non-reasoning activities, to the facilities that students can use. Two days in the first week were used to disseminate the materials mentioned above, by presenting a variety of experienced speakers who could motivate students. In accordance with the syllabus that has been derived from DIKTI for LKMM-PD and from ISMKMI for BTOPH, the delivery of material is made interactive and utilizes technological advances to monitor the development of new students’ knowledge using resume, pre-test, post-test and video editing methods.
Continuing on the last two days, new student activities were filled with friendly evenings. In a series of friendly evenings, LKMM-PD & BTOPH 2023 provides a platform for new students to explore their talents by presenting performances on the inauguration night, as well as giving new students time to share with each other.