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National Seminar Preparatory Meeting

The national seminar preparation meeting was held on Friday 28 January 2022. The national seminar preparation meeting was attended by the Chairperson of the Committee, Mrs. Anisa Catur Wijayanti, SKM., M.Epid., Deputy Chairperson of the Committee, Mr. Sri Darnoto, SKM., MPH., as well as Lecturers and Educators of the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK), University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). In the meeting discussed the management structure, tasks, dates, and various activities that will be held in the national seminar. In the national seminar later, it will not only focus on discussing the chosen theme, but there will be competitions that can be followed by high school students and university students, where the winner will be announced at the time the national seminar is held. It is hoped that with the implementation of the national seminar, students will understand and be more critical of the topics to be presented later, as well as more active and creative because of the competitions that are included.