The implementation of the 2020/2021 Even Semester PBM is a routine activity whose final output is the measurement of course learning achievement through the Semester Final Examination. The even semester final examination preparation meeting was held to discuss the platform used for UAS, the 2020/2021 even semester final examination regulations. The even semester final examination preparation meeting for the even semester 2020/2021 was held on June 3, 2021, which was attended by Lecturers of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK), University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) to discuss the technical and implementation of even semester final examinationactivities. The meeting was opened by the Head of the Public Health Study Program Mr. Sri Darnoto, SKM., MPH. who said that the Even Semester 2020/2021 UAS will be held on 5-17 July 2021. The implementation of UAS is still the same as using online. The purpose of the meeting is to organize a conducive UAS implementation both during the upload process to the UAS implementation.