Era 4.0 requires everything to be completed effectively and efficiently, as well as in lecture activities. My Skripsi is one of the digital systems organized by the Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) to assist students in solving and consulting thesis problems. On Tuesday, August 23, 2021, there was a socialization on how to use My Skripsi with resource persons Mr. Husni Thamrin and Mr. Taufiq Odhi Dwi Putra, S. Kom and attended by Lecturers and Educators of the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences (FIK) UMS with Zoom platform. In the My Skripsi system there are various features that can be accessed by lecturers and students. Features for lecturers include offering thesis titles for students, monitoring and editing consultation notes, approving proposals or theses submitted by students, viewing proposal exam schedules, final exams, related files, viewing student history data, and viewing the history of students being tested, including downloading news. Features for students to create accounts, create scripts, propose titles or choose titles from lecturers, record consultation activities, upload pre-screening scripts, upload screening scripts, and upload revised thesis