Starting the 2018/2019 academic year, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS) held a Grand Opening Mentoring and English Tutorial. This activity was attended by all new students who have been accepted at UMS, Saturday (8/9/2018). This activity took place at the Sudalmiyah Mosque filled with tausiyah and motivation by the General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah, Ustadz Abdul Mu’ti. The event, which was held by LPPIK and LPIDB, took the theme “Invigorating Da’wah Towards a Civilian Campus Society”.
This activity explains the procedures and rules for implementing mentoring and English tutorials. The implementation of the two mandatory activities that must be followed by students for the next 2 semesters will be guided by supervisors who are also students. Later, the new students will be trained in Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan Mentoring (AIK) activities and English Language Tutorials, especially for speaking, with the aim of instilling Islamic morals and developing English language skills needed by today’s global community.
This event was directly attended by the Chancellor of UMS, Dr. Sofyan Anif, M.Si. On this occasion he gave a speech with the hope that new students will become great national cadres as well as become capable and noble cadres of the organization.
Furthermore, Ustadz Abdul Mu’ti encouraged students to become young individuals who continue to think ahead and always have a vision as agents of change. One of the tips to be an advanced generation is simple, will students wake up every day at dawn. That was Abdul Mu’ti’s challenge to the students.
He also gives students an understanding of science. Where the knowledge also comes from human behavior, especially if they want to practice the word of Allah SWT and dhikr to Him.
“Science is born from human behavior, and actually that is where if Muslims practice God’s word about science, want to dhikr to Allah, then later Muslim scientists will be born, who they can integrate between qouliyah verses and qouniyah verses, ” he explained.
He also added how the type of intellectual expected by Muhammadiyah, especially for students at UMS. For Muhammadiyah, the type of student that is expected is those who seek knowledge but do not abandon their religious obligations.
“The prayer is diligent, the research is diligent. Even though he was busy at work, his tahajjud never stopped. That is what is expected of UMS students. People whose personalities are intact, not people whose personalities are split,” he added. (Khairul)
Source :ums