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Odd Semester Final Examination Preparation Meeting 2020/2021

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The odd semester final exam preparation meeting was held to discuss the platform used for the odd semester final exam, rules, and arrangements for uploading 2020/2021 odd semester final exam questions. The implementation of the odd semester final exam that is conducive to both the upload process and the odd semester final exam. The meeting was held on January 5, 2021, which was attended to discuss technical matters and the implementation of odd semester final exam activities. The meeting was opened by the Head of the Public Health Study Program, Mr. Sri Darnoto, SKM., MPH. who announced that the odd semester final exam will begin on January 18-30, 2021, which will be conducted online through the schoology platform. Based on a circular from the university, there is a time limit for students to be given 24 hours to upload the answers. The Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta can strive for this by holding more massive socialization related to the rules for the odd semester final exam, printing of exam cards, uploading and checking exam cards that will be carried out by supervisors and task forces, uploading questions by lecturers to question work.