The Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Health, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta aims to produce graduates who are able to overcome health problems in the community and can contribute to health development in Indonesia with an Islamic and Islamic perspective. The curriculum designed is adapted to current scientific developments where aspects of behavior change as the basis for preventive efforts are prioritized. The number of credits that must be taken by students of the Public Health Study Program FIK-UMS is 146 credits for 4 years.

Graduates of the Public Health Study Program are expected to be able to produce innovative works through the development of knowledge, technology, and/or art in the field of public health sciences through research, able to solve public health problems with an inter or multidisciplinary approach so that they receive national and international recognition.

Nationally, graduates of the Public Health Study Program are expected to play a professional role as MIRACLE:

Manager (manager)
Innovator (innovator)
Researcher (researcher)
Learner (apprenticer)
Communicator (communitarian)
leader (leader)
Educator (educator)

The following table contains the profile of graduates and their descriptions:

Table 1. Graduate Profile and Description

 Profile Profile Description

Manajer (manager)

Public health service managers, such as the head of the puskesmas, the head of the health office, the head of the section at the health office, the head of the special team at the health office.

 Inovator (innovator)

Makers of innovation in public health problem solving strategies, such as health promotion teams, community empowerment teams in both government and private institutions (health sector NGOs)

Peneliti (reseacher)

Reviewers of problems in the health sector in the development of knowledge and technology that can be used to solve health problems that occur in Indonesia and internationally, such as disease vector researchers, policy researchers, and others

Pembelajar (apprenticer)

Professionals who are always learning throughout life based on the latest public health science

Komunikator (communitaria)

Provide direction and guidance to the community in solving health problems, such as health consultants (nutrition consultants, AMDAL consultants, OHS consultants)

Pemimpin (leader)

Leader and set a good example in solving health problems

Pendidik (educator)

Educators on health materials both in the general public and in special communities such as health education in schools. Educators can also be teaching staff in educational institutions institusi