1. Danang Kurniawan Anggoro, SKM., M.K3

One of the routine activities whose purpose is to provide insight to students about the world of work is through sharing with alumni who have worked. Sharing alumni is a place to share alumni experiences with friends or younger siblings who are still in college.

In this period, students specializing in Occupational Health and Safety of the Public Health Study Program held an alumni sharing filled with Br. Danang Kurniawan Snggoro SKM., M.K3 who is an alumni of batch I. He is currently listed as an employee of PT. BUKIT MAKMUR MANDIRI UTAMA (BUMA).

The alumni sharing was held on Saturday, September 29, 2018 at the K3 Laboratory. The activity that took place was interesting, there were many questions from students about the world of K3 and the experience of getting a job in the field of K3. According to Mr. Danang, to become an K3 expert, you must be able to communicate well because in the K3 environment you will meet employees who have different characters. This event was attended by all students specializing in K3 class 2016. He also shared his experiences about working for the first time and applying and taking the interview test.

2. Yolanda Novita

The real form of devotion is not always present in the form of luxury which is always published massively and exaggerated. Yola Novita, alumni of the 2015 Public Health Study Program FIK-UMS Specialization in Occupational Health and Safety (K3), put it in a simple form, sharing the experiences they gained first with their younger siblings who still invest their time and energy into commodities. that is priceless, namely, science.

Friday, October 12, 2018 afternoon, the student community health laboratory was filled with K3 students who wanted to know knowledge that was not previously obtained in lectures. The event was purely initiated by students specializing in K3. Like the previous sharing, Yola also shared her experiences when looking for work, interviews and experiences working as HSE staff. Communication is again the main key to being a safety person because a safety person will always meet different people’s characters so that communication is indeed the main key in implementing regulations that must be implemented by all workers. In closing, Yola is very grateful to her juniors who have invited her to her beloved campus so that her longing to return “home” and bring the real contribution she aspired to has been fulfilled.